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Lampe Berger And Estebel

Lampe Berger  And Estebel


Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, and Tea Consumption Linked to Lower Diabetes Risk

High intakes of coffee, decaffeinated coffee, and tea are linked to a reduced risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, according to a pooled review of studies.

Researchers at the George Institute for International Health (Sydney, Australia), the University of Glasgow (United Kingdom), and other institutions conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the association among coffee, decaffeinated coffee, and tea consumption with the risk of diabetes mellitus. The meta-analysis included data obtained from 18 studies that reported on the association between coffee consumption and diabetes; six studies that reported estimates of the association between decaffeinated coffee and diabetes; and seven studies that reported on the association of tea.

The results of the pooled meta-analysis found that drinking coffee was inversely related to risk of diabetes (more coffee was linked to lower risk). After adjusting for potential confounders, every extra cup of coffee consumed in a day was linked to a 7% reduction in the excess risk of diabetes; drinking 3 to 4 cups per day was linked to a 25% lower risk than drinking none or up to two cups per day. In those studies that assessed decaffeinated coffee consumption, drinking more than 3 to 4 cups a day was linked to about one third lower risk of diabetes, compared to none. Drinking more than 3 to 4 cups of tea per day was linked to a one fifth lower risk of diabetes, compared to non-tea drinking. The authors suggested the effect of tea and coffee consumption on diabetes risk could be due to direct biological effects, since their apparent protective effect appears to be independent of potential confounding variables, and could partly be due to other compounds present in tea and coffee, such as magnesium, or antioxidants such as lignans or chlorogenic acids. The study was published in the December 14, 2009, issue of the Archives on Internal Medicine.

“If such beneficial effects were observed in interventional trials to be real, the implications for the millions of individuals who have diabetes mellitus, or who are at future risk of developing it, would be substantial,” concluded first author Rachel Huxley, M.D., of the George Institute, and colleagues. “It could also be envisaged that we will advise our patients most at risk for diabetes mellitus to increase their consumption of tea and coffee in addition to increasing their levels of physical activity and weight loss.”
Source: Hospimedica

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Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

The Female Body is One of Nature’s most Wonderful

The female body is one of nature’s most wonderful and complex creations. It is the origin of all human life. A woman’s journey in life is punctuated by many milestones; childhood, puberty, matrimony, pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood, each milestone special in its own way.

Your reproductive health is just as important as other aspects of your health. A better understanding of reproductive system can help gain a clearer picture of just how sensitive reproductive organs are and how they help you be what you are.

The female reproductive system includes the external genital organs and the internal reproductive organs.

The external reproductive organs

Vulva: This is the external part of the female reproductive organs located between the legs. It covers the opening to the Vagina and other reproductive organs located inside the body.

Located just above the top of the vaginal opening is a fleshy area called the mons pubis. Two pairs of skin flaps called the labia (labia majora and labia minora) surround the vaginal opening, which protect the clitoris and the vaginal opening. When girls become sexually mature, the outer labia and the mons pubis are covered by pubic hair.

Clitoris: A small sensory organ is located toward the front of the vulva where the folds of the labia join. The clitoris is the reproductive organ most involved in sexual pleasure.

The top part of the clitoris is a short protrusion above the vaginal opening. Its tip is very sensitive, so the clitoris is protected by a flap of skin, which is known as the hood. When a woman is sexually aroused, blood rushes to the clitoris, making it the most important organ for female sexual response.

Urethral opening: It is the opening between the clitoris and the Vagina through which a woman urinates.

G-spot: (Grafenberg spot) also known as the urethral sponge is a small area behind the pubic bone and a very sensitive area of the Vagina. It is an erogenous zone that when stimulated leads to high levels of sexual arousal and powerful orgasms.

Internal reproductive organs

Vagina: It is a muscular, hollow tube that extends from the vaginal opening to the Uterus. The vagina's muscular walls are lined with mucous membranes, which protect and keep it moist.
The Vagina has several important functions:

• Helps in sexual intercourse.
• Pathway for the baby to come out of the mother’s womb.
• Acts as the route for the menstrual blood to leave the body from the Uterus.

Hymen: This is a thin sheet of tissue with 1 or more holes in it. The hymen partially covers the opening of the Vagina. The hymen may bleed when it tears. This may tear during sexual intercourse or even during activities like horse riding, cycling or gymnastics. This may accompanied by pain.

Cervix: It is the lower portion of the Uterus that opens into the Vagina. The Cervix is the opening that Sperm must pass through in order to reach the egg. During delivery the baby also goes through the Cervix as it exits the Uterus and enters the Vagina. The Cervix dilates to about 4 inches in diameter during labor.

Uterus: Also known as the womb. The Uterus is shaped like an upside-down pear and has a thick lining and muscular walls. An egg that has been fertilized will implant itself in the Uterus and will continue to develop in the Uterus throughout the pregnancy. These muscles in the uterine walls can expand and contract in order to accommodate a growing baby and then help push the baby out during labor.

Fallopian tubes: There are two fallopian tubes, each attached to a side of the Uterus. There are 20–25 finger-like structures (fimbriae) at the ends that hover just above the ovaries and work to collect the mature egg when it is released

Once the egg is in the fallopian tube, tiny hairs in the tube's lining help push it down the narrow passageway toward the Uterus. It is in the fallopian tubes that fertilization of the egg (egg mating with the sperm) will take place.

Ovaries: Ovaries are two small, almond-shaped glands that produce eggs. The ovaries also make the sex hormones Estrogen and Progesterone. An egg is released from the Ovary roughly every 28 days in a process called Ovulation.

The breast : The female breasts contain the mammary glands, which secrete milk used to feed infants. Although the primary function of the breasts is production of milk for the newborn baby, the female breasts play an important part in female sexual behavior. Stimulation of the female breasts enhances the sexual pleasure of a woman.

Functions of female reproductive system
• Produce and sustain the female sex Cells (egg Cells or ova).
• Transport these Cells to a site where they may be fertilized by sperm, once fertilized by the sperm, implant the fertilized egg in to the walls of the Uterus and initiate pregnancy.
• Provide a favorable environment for the developing baby.
• Move the baby to the outside environment once the baby is completely developed.
• Produce the female sex hormones that maintain the reproductive cycle.
(Source from

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Rabu, 08 Juli 2009

Waspadai Serangan Jantung Koroner

Kisah Seorang Istri Yang Suaminya Terkena Serangan Jantung...

ini ada cerita/kisah nyata (PENGALAMAN PRIBADI) yang mungkin akan menjadi hikmah dan pelajaran bagi kita semua. ?

tanggal 29 april 2006 : malam kira jam 21.00 setelah makan malam.. suamiku merasa tidak enak badan.. masuk angin di sekitar perut dan punggung.. seperti terasa ditusuk2.. rahang terasa agak kaku, mulut agak asam .. minta dibikinkan air jahe hangat... minum lalu tidur.

tanggal 30 april: bangun tidur... pagi sholat subuh dan bilang badannya udah enakan mau ke kantor,,,
malam hari di jam yang sama seperti sebelumnya merasakan hal yang sama kembali seperti malam sebelumnya,, dibikinkan jahe hangat kembali dan dipaksa tidur.. tengah malam sekitar pukul 01...00 dinihari keluar keringat banyak dibadan yang ada dibenak saya dan suami mungkin angin sudah keluar,, makanya badan enakan.

Tanggal 1 Mei 2006


Pagi. rutinitas seperti biasa, ke kantor masih telp siang hari.. seperti biasa Karena tidak mendapat parkir di BEJ maka mobil di parkir di CAFE BENGKEL.. SEMANGGI dngan Jarak 1 km dari BEJ.
sore jam 16.30 pulang kantor jalan kaki menuju parkir,,, sepanjang jalan suamiku merasa kaki tak dapat dilangkahkan... leher terasa semakin kaku.. keringat dingin bercucuran.. dingin dan lemas sekali seperti tak bisa bernafas.. beliau berusaha mencapai tempat parkir dn berhasil masuk kedalam mobil.. (tidak sempat menghidupkan mobil.. kaca tertutup semua.. lampu hijet dinyalakan.. pintu tidak dirapatkan) dan sempat menghubungi saya untuk mengatakan "bunda, cepat kemari.. ayah tidak kuat lagi"!

(Suami ku tipe orang yg tidak pernah mengeluh,, tidak ingin merepotkan orang,sangat mandiri..karena perantau dan biasa hidup susah) Saya merasa pasti sesuatu terjadi....... karena kenal betul kenal sifat beliau. saya membutuhkan waktu kira2 setengah jam sampai di tempat kejadian... yang saya temukan beliau sudah hampir hilang kesadaran.. baju basah kuyup seperti berendam dikolam air,, muka pucat bagai mayat.. saya berteriak2 minta pertolongan. .yang kebetulan saat itu banyak2 supir2 sedang bersiap jemput majikannya. orang2 berlari memberikan bantuan.. baju kering.. aqua.. bahkan security membuatkan teh panas manis.. dan memaksa suami saya untuk minum.... Pikiran saya bekerja.. saya butuh
pertolongan orang yg ahli.. saya telp sabahat kami seorang dokter di JBE... saya ceritakan kronologis kejadian.. beliau memandu saya untuk menusuk ujung jari suami dengan benda tajam.. apapun ( waktu itu kuku jari tangan saya) supaya suami saya terkejut dan membuat kesadaran tidak betul2 hilang2.. ajak bicara terus.. dan segera bawa ke rumah sakit terdekat.. pilihan cuma ada dua Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina (RSPP) atau Rumah Sakit Jantung Harapan Kita (RSJHK). minta
lakukan EKG..tensi darah.. itu yang harus saya lakukan segera. pilihan saya ke RSJHK karena arah ke Selatan macet.

Sepanjang perjalanan.. saya mengajak bicara terus.. mengendorkan ikat pinggang.. kami sampai di rumah sakit.. kebetulan brankar sedang kosong , jadi saya dibantu securiti rumah sakit tersebut mendorong ke UGD dengan kursi roda..sampai di UGD suasana hiruk pikuk dan kebetulan hari itu UGD sangat penuh.. suami saya ditolak.. karena dilihat masih dapat duduk di kursi roda..dianjurkan untuk ke poli umum saja.
Saya mengikuti saran ahli medis.. saya antar suami ke poli umumnya dan sudah tutup,rasanya. . sakit seperti tidak diperdulikan.
Tapi.. Allah itu maha penyayang,, CAMPUR TANGAN ALLAH mulai tampak nyata di hadapan saya.. Seorang dokter sudah Senior tiba2 ada di hadapan saya ( sepertinya selesai praktek) beliau tanya ada apa ? saya ceritakan apa yang terjadi.. beliau mengajak saya kesebuah ruangan praktek dan mulai melakukan pemeriksaan lengkap.. Muka beliau sangat terkejut
begitu membaca hasil EKG. dunia bagai kiamat waktu beliau mengatakan "Suami Ibu terkena Serangan Jantung Koroner"! harus segera penanganan intensif.. Saya mengatakan UGD penuh. beliau katakan TIDAK ADA PILIHAN LAIN HARUS KE UGD SEKARANG JUGA..beliau membuat REKOMENDASI URGENT.. katakan saja dari DR..AULIA SANI ( ternyata beliau mantan direktur RSJHK).Yang tadinya kami ditolak... kemudian diterima di UGD walau harus dirawat di kamar yang betul2 penuh hari itu.disitu melihat orang datang dengan keadaan sudah meninggal karena terlambat sampai di RS, Saat di UGD tidak pernah satu tenaga medis yg menanyakan jaminan apapun kepada saya ( Ternyata ITULAH MOTO RS tersebut, Tindakan Dahulu........ Uang baru Nomor berikutnya)

Dokter Aulia turun tangan langsung,didampingi dokter Robert dokter jaga UGD saat itu.. suamiku di tangani seksama.. 1 jam berkutnya aku dipanggil keruangan dokter2.. disana sudah ada dokter Aulia & Robert..
beliau menjelaskan kondisi suamiku yang sebenarnya.. dan mereka bertanya apa yang terjadi 1 minggu kebelakang sebelum suamiku kena serangan jantung hari ini.aku cerita rangkaian kejadian.. beberapa malam yang kami kira masuk angin... beliau katakan


Rupanya itu belum selesai.. Dokter minta saya berdoa banyak.. 3 jam berikutnya adalah MASA PENENTUAN.. karena akan datang serangan KEDUA yang maha DAHSYAT sementara akibat dari serangan pertama.. ada pembuluh yang rusak..biasanya orang jarang selamat.. karena faktor TIDAK MENGERTI.. DAN TIDAK DITANGANI DENGAN TEPAT.
Mereka mengatakan FUNGSI JANTUNG suamiku untuk sementara diganti dengan MESIN PACU JANTUNG. Mudahan2 ini dapat membantu bertahan. ( waktu serangan pertama, dada belum terasa sakit). kira2 jam 21.00 suamiku mengalami Serangan Jantung Kedua yang membuat denyut jantung berkisar 40.. ( padahal normal 70 ) jam 11.00 suamiku langsung di masukan ke ICU karena kondisi kritis.. dada sakit hebat.. sesak tidak dapat bernafas..( pada saat itu aku hanya bisa menangis.. bingung.. sendiri)

Allah banyak membantu kami .. aku banyak bertemu orang yang senasib sepertiku.. yang mereka sudah ada di RS tersebut berbulan2 lamanya.Aku bertemu dokter2 hebat yang baik hati dan banyak memberi pertolongan penjelasan yang mudah aku mengerti..dorongan dan suport dari semua teman keluarga dan sahabat dari luar daerah dan luar negeri yang

Pasangan hidupku terbaring lama 20 hari di ICU dengan keadaan semakin drop,,, sementara dokter2 benar-benar mempersiapkan tindakan yg paling tepat . hari ke 20 dipersiapkan Katerisasi dipimpin Dr. Kaligis ( tindakan medis mengalirkan cairan putih (kontras) ke dalam semua pembuluh jantung untuk mencari dimanakah sumber penyumbatan
akibat KOLESTEROL dan pembalonan di lokasi penyumbatan diiringi pemasangan STAND / RING sesuai panjang sumbatan.(Tindakan seperti ini sangat MAHAL) hingga bila terjadi penyumbatan lebih dari tiga buah dokter2 menganjurkan untuk BY PAS yg kesempatannya fivety-fivety. . (harga RECOVERY sebuah jantung sakit itu sama dengan harga sebuah rumah atau mobil mewah)


Tapi itu belum seberapa... Pasangan hidup kita... akan memulai masa penyembuhan. ., dengan banyak memerlukan perhatian makanan,kasih sayang yang lebih banyak dari semula..kesabaran yang tak TERHINGGA.... karena mereka mulai sehat
dengan proses kepercayaan diri yang hilang,,, dan sifat yang berubah 180 derajat, sangat sesintif dan mudah tersinggung. itu semua PROSES.. yang kita sebagai pasangan hidup tidak pernah tau kapan berakhirnya. ...anggap itu semua IBADAH


HINDARI MAKANAN PADANG .. 75% pasien jantung penyuka Masakan Padang

Sekali2 cobalah datang ke RSJHK.. disana terlihat pasien jantung koroner mulai di usia diatas 25 thn..

Diatas umur 30 kita sudah terkena resiko pengentalan darah. Perempuan jika masih haid terlindungi dari penyakit jantung karena memiliki HORMON .

Jika di masa subur wanita terkena sakit jantung.. itu adalah cacat bawaan seperti kebocoran KATUP & KLEP.
berolah raga yang ringan saja.. DIANJURKAn berjalan kaki pagi hari Ø 3 km atau berenang. Hindari olahraga yang menguras tenaga jika dari dulu kita bukan pencinta olah raga tersebut.
Olah raga yang menguras tenaga memacu ADRENALIN,

Makan banyak SAYUR dan BUAH untuk menghancurkan KOLESTEROL jahat di tubuh kita. Hindari Rokok walaupun Pasif.... Mulailah Hidup Sehat sebelum terlambat.. karena keluarga masih membutuhkan kita. Ø Insya'allah berguna dan bermanfaat

Serangan Jantung dan kebiasaan Minum Air Panas / hangat.....

Artikel ini berguna untuk semua.

Bukan saja anjuran meminum air panas selepas makan, tetapi berhubungan dengan SERANGAN JANTUNG!!!!.
Secara logik..., mungkin ada kebenarannya. . Orang-orang China dan Jepang mengamalkan minum teh panas sewaktu makan.... dan bukannya air ES. Mungkin sudah tiba masanya kita meniru kebiasaan minum air panas / hangat sewaktu menikmati hidangan!!!!
Kita tidak akan kehilangan apa-apa... malah akan mendapat faedah dari kebiasaan ini.
Kepada siapa yang suka minum air ES, artikel ini sesuai untuk anda Baca. Memang enak dan segar minum air ES selepas makan, tetapi akan berakibat fatal !!

Walaubagaimanapun, Air ES akan membekukan makanan berminyak yang baru kita makan. Ia akan melambatkan proses pencernaan kita. Bila lemak-lemak ini terbentuk di dalam usus, ia akan menyempitkan banyak saluran dan lama kelamaan ia akan menyebabkan lemak berkumpul dan kita semakin gemuk dan menuju ke arah mendapat berbagai PENYAKIT.

Jalan terbaik...adalah untuk minum sup panas atau air PANAS/hangat selepas makan..

:Nota penting tentang SERANGAN JANTUNG!!!

Anda perlu tahu bahwa tanda-tanda serangan jantung akan mulai terasa pada tangan sebelah kiri.

Berhati-hati juga pada permulaan sakit sedikit-sedikit pada bagian atas dada anda. Anda mungkin tidak akan mengalami sakit dada pada serangan pertama serangan jantung.

Keletihan dan berkeringat adalah tanda-tanda pada umumnya. Malah 60% pengidap SAKIT JANTUNG tidak bangun selepas tidur. Marilah kita berwaspada dan berhati-hati.

Lebih banyak kita tahu, lebih cerah peluang kita untuk terus hidup...
PAKAR SAKIT JANTUNG berkata, jika semua orang yang mendapat e-mail ini menghantar kepada 10 orang yang lain, beliau yakin akan dapat menyelamatkan satu nyawa.
Baca ini.... ia juga mungkin dapat menyelamatkan nyawa anda!!!!.

**Jadilah teman yang setia dan teruskan menghantar artikel ini kepada teman-teman yang anda sayangi..... !!!!

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Rabu, 11 Februari 2009

The average size of vagina

Many women don’t know the size of their vagina, as they normal won’t measure it for any reason. You might have an estimate of the size during encounter. However, vagina wall is very elastic so one might not know the exact size of their vagina this way. Some women believe a tighter vagina will bring more pleasure for both party. It is somehow true since a tighter vagina mean more pressure and friction. A loose vagina might be embarrassing, but the question is, how loose is too lose?
vagina size vary in different time
When your vagina is relax the vaginal wall collapse to each other. The diameter is less than once inch and the length will be around 3 to 4 inches. However the size changes when you are ready for intercourse. At that time the diameter of your vaginal is not the same throughout the vaginal tunnel.

The narrowest part will be the opening of vagina and wider as it go deeper in to the vagina Usually the front part of vagina has a size of one and a half inches. As we go deeper in to the vagina, the diameter is larger. The backend of vagina usually has a diameter of 2 1/2 inches. The length of vagina also changed. The front vagina wall has the length of 2 inches and the back end is 3 so the total is around 6 inches. However, the size will be change after child birth because of the extreme expansion of the vagina. Many women complain they feel loose and lost the control of their bladder. It could be correct by kegel exercise and vaginal tightening surgery.

Oh my god how could it fit?
You might think 1 inches is kind of small for a male’s genital However, you vaginal wall is very elastic so it can accommodate most size. It can stretch enormously in length and width. In normal stage, muscle around vagina is relaxed and collapse to each other. However, the inner vagina wall will expand so it is longer and wider. Average woman can handle a 9 inches long and 2 inches wide. 60 % of woman has normal vagina size where 10 % has smaller and 30 % has larger vagina.

If your vagina is too big, you might have the following problem
• Less satisfaction for you and your partner during intercourse.
• Fanny Farting - air getting in and out of your vagina.
• Bad bladder control.
• In Some case it will develop prolapsed in middle age or later, which is serious matter.

To improve your vagina size, consider kegel exercise regularly. However, in some case when Kegel exercise doesn’t work, tightening surgery can be an alternative choice.

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Minggu, 01 Februari 2009

Nyeri Saat Hubungan Seks (Dyspareunia)

Dyspareunia (baca: "dis-par-oon-ya") adalah hubungan seks yang terasa nyeri. Sumber nyeri bisa berasal dari daerah genital sendiri ataupun berasal dari bagian dalam rongga panggul. Nyerinya sering dideskripsikan menusuk, rasa terbakar atau mirip dengan nyeri haid.

Penyebabnya beraneka ragam, mulai dari yang lokal seperti kurangnya lubrikasi vagina, luka bekas episiotomi, penipisan dan pengeringan dinding vagina akibat kurang estrogen pada menopause, atau menyusui dan terakhir karena foreplay yang tidak adequate.

Penyebab nyeri saat penetrasi dalam:
* Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
* Kista Ovarium
* Endometriosis
* Varikose pembuluh vena di panggul
* Kehamilan ektopik (tidak pada tempat semestinya)

Penyebab lainnya:
* Infeksi, seperti PMS (Penyakit Menular Seksual)
* Infeksi saluran kemih
* Kanker pada organ seks atau daerah panggul.
* Radang sendi terutama daerah punggung.
* Allergi terhadap bahan latex pada kondom dan diaphragma serviks.

Pada laki2 bisa disebabkan adanya iritasi pada kulit P seperti allergi atau radang, kelainan bentuk P seperti P yang bengkok (saat ereksi), dan infeksi kelenjar prostat atau testes.

Gejala nyeri tang dirasakan berupa rasa terbakar, robek, tertekan atau sensasi sakit yang berhubungan dengan penetrasi. Rasa nyeri bisa di pintu V, dalam rongga panggul, atau diantaranya.

Pengobatan dyspareunia bertujuan mencari dan mengobati penyakit yang menyebabkannya (underlying disease). Jika ditemukan infeksi diberikan antibiotika. Jika alergi terhadap latex, ganti metode kontrasepsi dll. Lubrikan yang berbahan dasar air (water-based lubricant) bisa menolong menghilangkan rasa tidak nyaman dan friksi. Hindari lubrikan yang oil-based, karena bisa mencetuskan infeksi.

Bagi wanita yang menderita vaginismus, dapat dipergunakan dilator dengan berbagai ukuran. Sedangkan nyeri saat ML akibat bekas episiotomi akan hilang dengan sendirinya. Diperlukan konseling jika ditemukan kelainan psikologis.
sumber :(

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Kamis, 22 Januari 2009

Exercise to burn fat

Humans have a natural tendency to store fat — it’s a survival mechanism to protect us against the possibility of famine. The trouble is that today many people have access to an abundance of food, especially energy-dense fatty and sugary foods, yet they undertake little energy-burning physical activity.

The net result is an energy surplus, which is efficiently stored as body fat by a physiology that developed in times when famine was a likely and life-threatening risk.

Fuel for aerobic exercise
Fat represents one of the 2 main sources of fuel that support cell function in your body. The other main fuel used by your body is glucose. Fat is stored as adipose tissue around the body, and glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and the muscle cells. Both fat and glucose are also present in the blood as products of digestion.

Many activities of the body that take place when you are at rest, for example, brain activity, the pumping of your heart and the functions of your internal organs, use glucose as a readily available source of energy. Even short bursts of high energy muscular activity lasting around a minute or so will use glucose as the main fuel.

Will my body burn fat or glucose?
Exercise intensity, exercise duration and diet are major factors affecting whether the body uses fat or glucose for fuel during exercise.

Once the activity of energy-hungry muscle cells increases beyond ‘at rest’ levels for more than about one minute, the body uses aerobic processes that combine oxygen (supplied by breathing in more air) with either glucose or fat to generate energy to sustain the increased activity. The type of active task which causes you to breathe more deeply — ‘aerobic exercise’ — is the type of exercise that has the potential to burn fat as a fuel. Examples include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, gardening, cross-country skiing and roller-blading. You’ll notice that these activities all use the large muscles of your body — those in your arms, legs and back — continuously.

‘Burning fat’ or ‘fat-burning’ means using stored fat as a fuel to support body function, whereas reducing total body fat (which is what most people desire when they say that they want to ‘lose weight’) involves burning more calories each day (whether from stored fat or stored glucose) than are replaced by calories consumed as food. In a large part, weight loss is achieved by meeting this goal, often with the assistance of exercises that burn fat and exercises that build muscle (because muscle cells burn more calories at rest than do fat cells).

Low to moderate intensity aerobic exercise
Low to moderate intensity aerobic exercise tends to burn fat, whereas high intensity aerobic exercise tends to burn glucose preferentially.

People who are new to regular exercise, or who are returning to exercise after a break, can work towards doing low to moderate intensity aerobic exercise for at least 20 to 30 minutes on 4 to 5 days each week. This is a practical and safe way (low risk of injury) to burn body fat.

Exercising for longer at a lower intensity is better than only managing a short time at a higher intensity. This approach to exercise also has significant additional health benefits such as reducing the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

If combined with healthy eating that aims for a slight energy deficit, rather than an energy surplus, low to moderate intensity, moderate duration aerobic exercise can be an effective tool in weight reduction and weight management.

The role of high intensity aerobic exercise
For people who already have an established level of physical fitness, a higher intensity or longer duration of aerobic exercise may be indicated in order to burn fat. However, this approach is not usually practical in people who are beginning or returning to regular aerobic exercise.

Even though high intensity exercise tends to burn the body’s stores of glucose rather than its stores of fat, in high intensity aerobic exercise which lasts say 30 minutes, the total calories burned, irrespective of the source of these calories (glucose or fat), will be higher than the calories burned in 30 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise. That is, the harder you exercise in your given amount of time the more calories you will burn and that includes after you’ve finished and when you’re recovering. So, if you have moved beyond a beginner exerciser’s level of fitness, aiming to do regular aerobic exercise at high intensity (‘as hard as you can’), may be a more useful guideline than simply continuing to exercise at moderate intensity. (Before starting high intensity aerobic exercise, seek individual advice from your doctor, and be aware of the pitfalls of over-exercising, including an increased risk of injury.)

Tips for controlling body fat

Give yourself a chance: increase your metabolic rate. Irrespective of dietary modification, an exercise-focussed lifestyle will increase your metabolic rate, and will inherently burn more calories than a sedentary lifestyle. In contrast, it is believed that markedly reducing the amount of calories that you eat will signal a state of potential starvation to your body. In this context, your body adjusts by slowing down your metabolism and trying to conserve fat.
Tone your muscles to burn more calories. Using strength training exercise to increase your percentage of muscle tissue compared to fatty tissue shifts your body composition in favour of energy-hungry muscle cells. Muscle cells consume many times more calories than do fat cells, at rest. A kilogram of muscle will burn 50 to 100 calories a day compared to 5 to 7 calories a day for a kilogram of fat. One of the best ways to increase your percentage of muscle tissue, and hence your metabolic rate, is to do a strength training routine 2 or 3 times every week — a hand-weights circuit is ideal — in addition to your regular aerobic exercise.
To reduce total body fat (‘lose weight’), burn more energy than you consume as food, but don’t focus exclusively on calorie restriction. To reduce total body fat, focus on increasing your physical activity rather than drastically decreasing the energy you consume as food. As fatty foods are energy dense, selecting low-fat options is a sensible way to limit unnecessary calories in your food. Don’t cut out fat altogether: current advice recommends that you moderate total fat intake but limit saturated fats — the type of fats present in foods of animal origin such as meat and butter. As a guide, a recommended rate of weight reduction is around 0.5 to 1 kilo per month. Losing more than 0.5 to 1 kilo a week can indicate that you are losing muscle rather than body fat. If you are overweight or obese and are considering a restricted-calorie diet, speak to a dietitian for individual advice.
To avoid re-gaining lost body fat, continue exercising regularly and keep a check on your daily energy balance. Continuing regular exercise is important in maintaining a high metabolic rate. In fact, studies have shown that athletes who suddenly stop training lose 50 per cent of their maximum exercise capacity within 10 days, and significant reductions in metabolism can also be measured at this time. So, regular exercise to control body fat is best seen as a lifelong commitment. In addition, always keep the amount of calories you eat balanced by the amount of exercise that you do. This approach will give you the best chance of maintaining the new body you have gained through an active lifestyle that includes strength training and aerobic exercise, and calorie-wise healthy eating.

myDr, 2003
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