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Lampe Berger And Estebel

Lampe Berger  And Estebel


Rabu, 11 Februari 2009

The average size of vagina

Many women don’t know the size of their vagina, as they normal won’t measure it for any reason. You might have an estimate of the size during encounter. However, vagina wall is very elastic so one might not know the exact size of their vagina this way. Some women believe a tighter vagina will bring more pleasure for both party. It is somehow true since a tighter vagina mean more pressure and friction. A loose vagina might be embarrassing, but the question is, how loose is too lose?
vagina size vary in different time
When your vagina is relax the vaginal wall collapse to each other. The diameter is less than once inch and the length will be around 3 to 4 inches. However the size changes when you are ready for intercourse. At that time the diameter of your vaginal is not the same throughout the vaginal tunnel.

The narrowest part will be the opening of vagina and wider as it go deeper in to the vagina Usually the front part of vagina has a size of one and a half inches. As we go deeper in to the vagina, the diameter is larger. The backend of vagina usually has a diameter of 2 1/2 inches. The length of vagina also changed. The front vagina wall has the length of 2 inches and the back end is 3 so the total is around 6 inches. However, the size will be change after child birth because of the extreme expansion of the vagina. Many women complain they feel loose and lost the control of their bladder. It could be correct by kegel exercise and vaginal tightening surgery.

Oh my god how could it fit?
You might think 1 inches is kind of small for a male’s genital However, you vaginal wall is very elastic so it can accommodate most size. It can stretch enormously in length and width. In normal stage, muscle around vagina is relaxed and collapse to each other. However, the inner vagina wall will expand so it is longer and wider. Average woman can handle a 9 inches long and 2 inches wide. 60 % of woman has normal vagina size where 10 % has smaller and 30 % has larger vagina.

If your vagina is too big, you might have the following problem
• Less satisfaction for you and your partner during intercourse.
• Fanny Farting - air getting in and out of your vagina.
• Bad bladder control.
• In Some case it will develop prolapsed in middle age or later, which is serious matter.

To improve your vagina size, consider kegel exercise regularly. However, in some case when Kegel exercise doesn’t work, tightening surgery can be an alternative choice.

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Minggu, 01 Februari 2009

Nyeri Saat Hubungan Seks (Dyspareunia)

Dyspareunia (baca: "dis-par-oon-ya") adalah hubungan seks yang terasa nyeri. Sumber nyeri bisa berasal dari daerah genital sendiri ataupun berasal dari bagian dalam rongga panggul. Nyerinya sering dideskripsikan menusuk, rasa terbakar atau mirip dengan nyeri haid.

Penyebabnya beraneka ragam, mulai dari yang lokal seperti kurangnya lubrikasi vagina, luka bekas episiotomi, penipisan dan pengeringan dinding vagina akibat kurang estrogen pada menopause, atau menyusui dan terakhir karena foreplay yang tidak adequate.

Penyebab nyeri saat penetrasi dalam:
* Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
* Kista Ovarium
* Endometriosis
* Varikose pembuluh vena di panggul
* Kehamilan ektopik (tidak pada tempat semestinya)

Penyebab lainnya:
* Infeksi, seperti PMS (Penyakit Menular Seksual)
* Infeksi saluran kemih
* Kanker pada organ seks atau daerah panggul.
* Radang sendi terutama daerah punggung.
* Allergi terhadap bahan latex pada kondom dan diaphragma serviks.

Pada laki2 bisa disebabkan adanya iritasi pada kulit P seperti allergi atau radang, kelainan bentuk P seperti P yang bengkok (saat ereksi), dan infeksi kelenjar prostat atau testes.

Gejala nyeri tang dirasakan berupa rasa terbakar, robek, tertekan atau sensasi sakit yang berhubungan dengan penetrasi. Rasa nyeri bisa di pintu V, dalam rongga panggul, atau diantaranya.

Pengobatan dyspareunia bertujuan mencari dan mengobati penyakit yang menyebabkannya (underlying disease). Jika ditemukan infeksi diberikan antibiotika. Jika alergi terhadap latex, ganti metode kontrasepsi dll. Lubrikan yang berbahan dasar air (water-based lubricant) bisa menolong menghilangkan rasa tidak nyaman dan friksi. Hindari lubrikan yang oil-based, karena bisa mencetuskan infeksi.

Bagi wanita yang menderita vaginismus, dapat dipergunakan dilator dengan berbagai ukuran. Sedangkan nyeri saat ML akibat bekas episiotomi akan hilang dengan sendirinya. Diperlukan konseling jika ditemukan kelainan psikologis.
sumber :(

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