Ina-One Team Turut Berduka Cita Atas Wafatnya Bapak Soeharto pada Hari Ini Minggu pukul 13.10 WIB di Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina, Seorang Pemimpin Kharismatik, sederhana, kerakyatan Yang memerintah Indonsia selama 32 Tahun telah dipanggil menghadap sang Khalik Semoga amal ibadahnya di terima di Sisinya..... Amin.......

Suharto seized power from his predecessor, the first president of Indonesia Sukarno, through a mixture of force and political maneuvering against the backdrop of foreign and domestic unrest. Over the three decades of his "Orde Baru" (New Order) regime, Suharto constructed a strong central government along militarist lines. An ability to maintain stability and an avowedly anti-Communist stance won him the economic and diplomatic support of several Western governments in the era of the Cold War. For most of
his three-decade rule, Indonesia experienced significant economic growth and industrialization.[1] His rule, however, led to political purges and the deaths of millions of suspected Indonesian communists and Chinese-Indonesians,[2] and enaction of legislation outlawing communist parties and ethnic Chinese.[3]
By the 1990s, his New Order administration's authoritarian and increasingly corrupt practices had become a source of much discontent. Suharto's almost unquestioned authority over Indonesian affairs slipped dramatically when the Asian financial crisis lowered Indonesians' standard of living and fractured his support among the nation's military, political and civil society institutions. After internal unrest, diplomatic isolation began to drain his support in the mid-to-late 1990s, Suharto was forced to resign from the presidency in May 1998 following mass demonstrations. After serving as the public face of Indonesia for over 30 years, Suharto now lives his post-presidential years in virtual seclusion. Attempts to try him on charges of genocide have failed due to his failing health. His legacy remains hotly debated and contested both in Indonesia and abroad.
Like many Javanese, Suharto has only one name. In contexts where his religion is being discussed he is sometimes called Haji or el-Haj Mohammed Suharto, but this Islamic title is not part of his formal name or generally used. The spelling "Suharto" has been official in Indonesia since 1947 but the older spelling Soeharto is still frequently used.(Wikipedia)
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